Adapting to Hearing Loss

Adapting to Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can sneak up on you. The signs of hearing loss may be minor, growing more obvious over time. Visiting your ENT specialist for a hearing check can help identify hearing loss early. Dr. Ravi Agarwal at Westside Ear, Nose, & Throat in Glendale, AZ, provides a wide range of ENT services, including diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss.

What You Need to Know about Hearing Loss 

Over 30% of people over age 65 experience some degree of hearing loss, according to the American Speech-Language Hearing Association. You should have regular hearing tests every 10 years up through age 50, and every 3 years after that.

There are also some easy steps you can take to prevent hearing loss. Remember to always wear earplugs or ear protection if you:

  • Work in an area with loud sounds
  • Are attending a rock concert
  • Are shooting off guns
  • Are riding in loud vehicles

You should also pay attention to how well you are hearing. You should visit your ENT specialist for a hearing check if you are:

  • Hearing only muffled speech
  • Unable to pick out words from background sounds
  • Needing those around you to speak more slowly or loudly
  • Having to turn up the television or radio to hear
  • Withdrawing from social situations due to poor hearing

Your ENT specialist will begin your treatment with a hearing test. This test determines if you have hearing loss and to what degree. If are experiencing hearing loss, your ENT specialist may recommend hearing aids to restore your hearing. There are a variety of hearing aids, including:

  • In-the-ear, which covers the entire outer portion of your ear
  • In-the-canal, which is a less visible hearing aid fitting fully or partially into your ear canal
  • Receiver-in-canal, which has a hearing aid speaker inside your ear canal
  • Extended wear, which is placed inside your ear canal and worn for months
  • Middle ear implant-which are implanted behind your eardrum

Want To Know More?

To find out more about the signs, symptoms, and treatments for hearing loss, call Dr. Ravi Agarwal at Westside Ear, Nose, & Throat in Glendale, AZ. You can reach him in the office by calling (602) 938-3777, so call today.

Our Location

SE corner of Thunderbird Rd and 57th Dr. We are a 4-story medical building located between the Fry's shopping center and Banner Thunderbird Hospital

Office Hours

*Office is closed for lunch 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Westside Ear, Nose & Throat, PC


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8:00 am-5:00 pm



